We buy all forms of Platinum flake including flake from plating operations, Platinum electrolytic cells, Platinum laser deposition. Send your Platinum to us today to get the most money for platinum scrap.
Platinum flake can come in a variety of forms from large chunks to a fine powder, and is usually silver or grey in color.
The refining process is fairly complicated for Platinum flake scrap. The consistency of the platinum is a factor as well as the common occurrence of one or more other metals mixed in. This complicates refining the platinum into a pure form. Fortunately we are experienced with many varieties of platinum flake scrap, and will be able to extract the Platinum efficently.
Platinum Flake can be mixed or alloyed with other precious or non precious metals such as Gold, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, or Titanium.
If you are unsure that what you have is platinum flake, we do offer assay testing, just call us and we can help.
We use the latest in refining methods and equipment to efficiently refine your Platinum scrap.
We do our own melts, assays, and refining. We do not charge any other melt or incoming weight fees.
Sell your Platinum flake to us today! We pay the most for your Platinum Scrap.
Call Us @ 1-888-939-0123 with any questions or
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